Reality show fever has finally invaded the Jolly Jabber! (I guess that would make it reality blogging?) In any case, it's our most intense (and longest) contest yet! Tell all your friends!
Welcome to...
Season One!
Much like a certain show this is modeled after, Jolly Jabber Idol has a mission, fabulous prizes, voters, and a cute celebrity host with short hair. (Hmm, I wonder who that could be?)
We want to find the coolest items you can make using the Simplicity collection by 3 Sisters!
These can be quilts, home decor, clothing, us what you can do!
Take a picture of your item and attach it in an e-mail to Jocelyn at The guidelines for entries are listed below. Entries will be accepted until midnight CST, March 30, 2008.
On Friday, April 4, we will set up a gallery of all the entries and hold an open vote for a winner! Yes, you decide the winner!
Of course, there are rules and guidelines...
- The fabric must be purchased from Fat Quarter Shop.
- The item must be 60 inches or smaller (that converts to about 152 cm for our friends across the pond.).
- The picture must be at least 250 pixels wide to be posted. We will try to represent your image as best as we can.
- The e-mail must have "Jolly Jabber Idol Entry" in the subject line. The body must include your name, city/state, and what pattern you used. The picture must be attached.
- The deadline for entries is midnight CST, March 30, 2008.
Also, there are prizes!!- 1st place - $125 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop
- 2nd place - $75 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop
- 3rd place - $50 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop
The contest starts today, so get quilting!!

P.S. Don't forget to check out our new Designer Mystery BOM! We have already sold over 25% of our memberships!

Labels: Fat Quarter Shop Contest