BOM Mini-series Part 5: Civil War Tribute BOM

Here we are, at Part 5 of our Block-of-the-Month Mini-series. (Already??) I read in somebody's comment that they were waiting for us to show THIS one. Wish granted! Today's BOM is also the feature of the week on our home page, Civil War Tribute BOM, a 12 month program running from January 2010 to December 2010.

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, Marcus Fabrics (whom we love mainly for their gorgeous 19th century reproduction fabrics) uses Judie Rothermel's Civil War Tribute collection (due in November) to create an intricate 100" x 112" quilt designed by Homestead Hearth, commemorating the birth of our present-day America.

Each of the quilt blocks signifies a major battle fought in the Civil War, and historical notes and references are included in the corresponding patterns. As a member, you will receive generous fabric cuts, a detailed fabric reference guide, and triple-checked instructions for each month's blocks and binding. Additionally, you also have the option of reserving the backing set for Civil War Tribute.

Overall, you don't have to be a Civil War buff to appreciate these fabrics and quilt. When historical remembrance and beautiful fabric meet...well, we're just really excited to be able to participate in this program with you. :)

Once again, since this line has not yet hit stores, we are offering a $100 Gift Certificate prize!

To win, you can...

1) Comment on this post for 1 entry.

2) Mention this BOM or giveaway on your blog using these links:

3) Sign up for this BOM and let us know in your comment for 5 entries!

We will announce the winner in 2 weeks! Thanks, and see you again on Friday!

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