Well guys, so ends our Fat Quarter Shop Bom Mini-series. The giveaways are still on for all but the 1st post (winner will be announced...right now!) but it's time to go back to what we're really about -- showcasing beautiful collections and the creative masterminds behind them. Tula Pink is no exception. If you ever hop over to her blog (she has her next line up already)...just prepare to be amazed, k? The girl makes her intricate art look as easy as breathing.
Today we're showing off her line Hushabye for Moda Fabrics. Along with this baby chic line, she's released her first 2 patterns under the Tula Pink Pattern Co. name. That's right y'all, Tula P. is doing patterns!
P.S. Our Pennsylvania Dutch BOM giveaway winner is Sandy! Sandy, e-mail jocelyn (at) fatquartershop (dot) com for your prize!
Well, FQS-ers, it's here! Instead of telling you how excited I am about the release of my newest fabric line (which is true albeit less entertaining) I thought I might share a little bit about why and where it came from.
Hushabye came about for two reasons. The first is that I am finally getting to that age when everyone around me is having babies. Hushabye is my answer to the mounting pressure to make mini-quilts for all of my friends that are fast becoming new moms. I set out to try and make something chic and sophisticated but still soft and sweet.
I don't run in the kind of circles that would allow teddy bears and cartoon characters for this sort of event, so I took the challenge head on. I really wanted to design something that could last past the early drooling days and still be loved long after the diapers disappeared.
The second reason is that I have received nearly 200 emails from fabric lovers asking where they could find the ever elusive Owl print from Full Moon Forest. That print, sadly, is long gone. I spent a lot of time and worry trying to make the new owls even better to give people a second chance at those wise little creatures. So I offer you Hushabye, in which I have crammed all the cuteness and warm fuzzies I could muster.

One or two of my more popular prints are back in luscious new colors and a whole gaggle of new prints have risen from the fury of repeat and color that I like to call my "studio" (which means the space that probably should have been a living room or possibly a dining room, who knows).
I can't tell you how honored and lucky I feel to be designing fabric in the first place, but then to think that some of you actually buy it too?!? That is just to much for me to absorb.

Before I get all sappy here I will depart with my utmost gratitude. Thank you for reading, thank you for making and thank you for sharing all of your amazing talents.
Tula P.
Tula Pink blogLabels: Moda Fabric