And the winner is...
"It looks like Metro Heaven & Helinki by Patty Young for Michael Miller. Love that collection...the turquoise matches my newly painted turquoise kitchen! :)"
Congratulations! To claim your prize please email codi[at]fatquartershop[dot]com with your full shipping address.
And if you didn't win this time, don't worry because there is another chance to win coming up right now! Please welcome Jocelyn Ueng as she shares her favorite pre-cut with us. All you have to do is use the clues and the photo to try and guess which collection we are featuring this week:
Jocelyn's 3 Clues:
1. The name of this collection best summarizes all the oceans in the world.
2. The designers are passionate about using eco-sensible fabrics.
3. This collection will send you on an adventure!
For a chance to win, leave a comment on this blog post with your guess as to what collection we are featuring! Contest closes Sunday, July 15th at midnight CST. The winner will be announced one week from today, in the next From Me to You feature. Good Luck!
Labels: FQS Team