Rue Saint Germain by Robyn Pandolph & New Winners!

Rue Saint Germain is a boulevard in Paris that is filled with high end shops and is also known as a favorite gathering place for intellectuals. Although I never got to personally visit this famous street, I did get to take a day trip to Versailles and walk around the absolutely gorgeous gardens.  

The Palace 

The Gardens

The only thing I found not so appetizing about Versailles was the fact of a McDonald's being there.. (but at least it didn't look like the ones down here in Texas.. it was much more upscale contemporary).

But anyway, getting to the point... both these places are known as being very high end parts of France, and although Saint- Germain now has these newer --as is in the past 100 years-- shops, Versailles has kept much more traditional (of course besides the McDonald's sitting near by).  Rue Staint Germain definitely keeps more of that high end traditional feel to it... Well luckly we have Robyn Pandolph, designer of Rue Saint Germain, here today to chat about what was on her mind while designing... :)

Hello Jabber readers!

Rue St. Germain was named and inspired by an area in Paris where lots of shopping takes place. I've visited there a few times and I absolutely adore it. The colors were inspired by scenes from Memoirs of a Giesha and Marie Antoinette-- the last one especially. The scenes were beautiful with the blues and pinks and it was filmed in the Palace of Versailles. True eye candy!

The whole time I was designing the line I was also designing, in my head, The Charmed Life, Block of the Month.  The center block is the Eiffel Tower and the blocks around it also have the French influence.
I love the little ateliers in Paris with beautiful old world charm and the vintage textiles are quite stunning so this is where the inspiration started and as it evolved I tried to capture the spirit of my experience there.

Best Wishes,
Robyn Pandolph 


Monday's winner of the Lumiere de Noel Quilt Kit never claimed her prize!  That means, everyone gets another chance!... and I get to pick a new winner!  So the new winner is as follows...

Mama Pea
"I also blogged it at my blog."

Congrats Mama Pea!  Your luck just doubled this month! :-)

Once again, to claim your prize e-mail "Stephanie [at] fatquartershop [dot] com" with your shipping information. You have till Wednesday, September 29th @ midnight CST to e-mail me.

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