The Fat Quarter Shop is excited to welcome Verna Mosquera to the Jolly Jabber. Verna's latest fabric collection is Veranda from Free Spirit Fabrics.
What or who would you dedicate the Veranda collection to? Do you have an inspiration board?
I would dedicate it to my grandma Amelia. She spent a great deal of time in her garden and Veranda just reminds me of her.
My inspiration board is a simple fabric covered piece of foam core where I tack on bits of ribbon, vintage buttons, swatches of fabrics and color chips. Little by little bits of inspiration become a story and a collection begins to take shape.
What is your favorite project using this collection?
Secret Garden. It is a quilt I have been wanting to make for a long time and Veranda was the perfect collection to do it in. It is just a wonderful way to feature the prints in the collection. The fabrics seem to come alive in the appliqué images.
If time travel became possible, what year would you want to be in?
I would likely travel back in time to the forties even though it was a time of turmoil in the world. I find the history intriguing and I love the fashion.
If you had to change your first name what would you change it to?
Oddly enough I would never change my name. It has not been easy to be Verna. No one ever gets it right. I answer to pretty much every name that starts with a V. I even have a game going at Starbucks of how many different ways it can be misspelled on my latte cup. It is definitely unique and it is me, so I just can't imagine being referred to as anyone else.
What was your favorite childhood TV show?
Had to be the Brady Bunch. I must have watched every episode at least 15 times. Personal favorite episode was the family trip to Hawaii.
Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
Sarah Jessica Parker and Antonio Banderas. I had a layover in the Miami airport and they happened to be filming a movie very early one morning. I was traveling with my very charming Dachshund, Ze Ze. He caught Sara Jessica's eye during filming and before I knew it she and Antonio were over petting him and chatting with me during a break in the action. Not too many people can refer to Antonio on a first name basis. Pretty cool huh?
What is your favorite App to play on your phone?
I don't really play on my phone too often but my friend Cyndy Rymer just showed me the free flashlight App at Quilt Market and I am using it all the time; I love it! I also use Shazam in my car a lot. It is great for finding new tunes to work out to.
If you could marry a technology, what would it be?
Well, I would have an affair with my iPod Nano because I love to blast it at full volume during my workouts and it just takes me somewhere else away from it all for an hour a day. Although, being the logical person that I am I would marry my iPhone because it is my best friend and we spend all day together. I use it constantly and it makes my life so much easier.Labels: Designer Tidbits, Free Spirit Fabrics, Guest Quilting Writers