And the winner is...
"Seven Seas Organic by Michele Brummer-Everett for Cloud9 Fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win."
Congratulations! To claim your prize please email codi[at]fatquartershop[dot]com with your full shipping address.
And if you didn't win this time, don't worry because there will be another chance to win coming up right now! Please welcome Amanda Longoria as she shares her favorite pre-cut with us. All you have to do for a chance to win is use the clues and the photo to try and guess which collection we are featuring this week:
Amanda's 3 Clues:
1. This collection shares the same name as a 1999 movie.
2. The name of this collection translates into Spanish as 'the act or power of sharing the feelings of another.'
3. This designers are passionate about contemporary, eco-friendly fabrics.
For a chance to win, leave a comment on this blog post with your guess as to what collection we are featuring! Contest closes Sunday, July 22nd at midnight CST. The winner will be announced one week from today, in the next From Me to You feature. Good Luck!
Labels: FQS Team