Monday, April 15, 2013

Back to School with Pam Kitty: Row 5

After another month, we have more bright and cheerful Back to School with Pam Kitty Love blocks to present! We are sending Pam Kitty back to school, making blocks from Barbara Brackman's Civil War Sampler in the colorful Pam Kitty Love fabric. Each month, Kimberly, Debbie and Pam sew five blocks from Barbara Brackman's Civil War Sampler, and in a few short months we will have a bright, fun civil war quilt! Be sure to check out Pam's blog to see her homework! What grade does she deserve? We may be biased, but we give her an A+!
Twin Sisters, page 68
Port and Starboard, page 18
Yankee Puzzle, page 25
Sugar Bowl, page 57
Old Maid’s Puzzle, page 66

Courthouse Square, page 70
Twin Sisters, page 68

Union Square, page 69
Empty Spools, page 64
H Is for Hospital, page 62

We think school is cool. It is so fun to flip through the Civil War Sampler, choose a block, and use the Pam Kitty Love fabric to play. Picking colors and prints is the best part. Why not add a burst of yellow? Or a hint of vibrant red? This class is teaching us to have fun with color!

Interested in joining our fun sewing project? Just grab some bundles (about three to start) of Pam Kitty Love by Pam Kitty Morning for Lakehouse Dry Goods, Barbara Brackman's Civil War Sampler Book and start sewing! We even added a little extra FQS fun. Upload your homework/block photos to Flickr each month for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to our website. For more information about our Back to School with Pam Kitty "class" head here.

The winner of this month's $50 gift certificate is KarlaZZ! Email chelsey[at]fatquartershop[dot]com to claim your prize!

Our next due date is May 15th, so come back by the Jolly Jabber and Pam's blog to see our blocks in row 5!


  1. Congratulations KarlaZZ!! Have fun spending your gift certificate. Love your blocks!
    Thank you FQS for hosting such a fun Quilt Along.

  2. help!

    Need more ideas on sashing for this project!!


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