Saturday, June 15, 2013

Back to School with Pam Kitty Love: Row 7

Happy last day of class! Well, last day of class before finals! We are studying (sewing) our finishing kits as we speak and our final project is due July 15th! We simply can not wait to show you the finished quilts! But first, we must turn in our last homework assignment! Kimberly, Debbie and Pam are showing off their last five blocks today. They used Pam Kitty Love by Pam Kitty Morning for LakeHouse Dry Goods and Barbara Brackman's Civil War Sampler to whip up some adorable blocks!
The Comfort Quilt, page 23
Carolina Lily, page 90
Union Square, page 69
Ohio Star, page 42
Empty Spools, page 64

Carolina Lily, page 90
Ladies' Aid Album, page 54
Union Shield, page 86
Order #11, page 98
Stars & Stripes, page 96

This is our very last homework assignment, and next week we have finals! Are you excited to see our finished quilts? We must admit, they are very cute. Even though the semester is coming to an end, it is not too late to start! All you need is a copy of Barbara Brackman's Civil War Sampler Book and a few bundles of Pam Kitty Love fabric! (We suggest starting with about three bundles of Pam Kitty Love.) This class has been a blast. This semester we spend some time learning history with the Civil War blocks and playing with color in art class! You can see our work on Flickr and Pinterest.

Be sure to check the Jolly Jabber and Pam's blog next month on July 15th to see our final project!


  1. Adorable blocks! Love, love Order 11. I cannot wait to see the finished quilts. Have fun

  2. I love your blocks!!!! Kimberly love how pretty and pink yours are.. makes me want a whole pink and red quilt. Love Debbie's and her black, they just pop! Can't wait to see the finished quilts!

  3. I love Debbie's blocks with the black fabrics. They look so dynamic. Every time I see a quilt with black, I notice that I'm drawn to it. I can't wait to see both quilts finished!

  4. Wow I love the colors and blocks.


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