Saturday, June 1, 2013

Designer Tidbits: Annette Tatum

We are swiftly approaching summer, and Annette Tatum's Bouquet collection for Free Spirit Fabrics is just what you need enjoy the warm outdoors. Soft roses and elegant pastels blend to evoke a calm, romantic feeling. Enjoy the summer time by sipping a refreshing lemonade on a quilt made with Bouquet. Isn't that what summers are for?
Q: Where did you find your original inspiration for this Bouquet?
A: I look to fashion a lot these days. Particularly, the speed in which fashion translates new ideas. I also like to take color and inspiration from nature. Combine that with the drama of fashion and you get unexpected color intensity and unique interpretations on the ordinary!

Q: What was your “aha” moment in designing this collection?
A: When all the layers come together. In this case when the idea reached full bloom. Everything balances and you can feel the collection’s cohesiveness.

Q: What projects do you hope to see using this collection?
A: Anything outdoor. Cushions for day beds. Outdoor tents and umbrellas. Seat cushions. The fabrics are inspired by the garden and I would love to see them used under the sun. Let them fade beautifully. I also like them for clean spaces such as the bathroom or the kitchen. Embellish your favorite towel. Have fun with floral accents.

Q: Tell us about your background. What lead you to the textile industry?
A: I studied design in college and through the years have had the luck to design all types of products. From packaging to furniture. What I love about textiles is the versatility and the use of color. There is never a dull moment with fabrics.

Q: What is your favorite part of the textile industry?
A: The final output. When the fabric is finally printed and your vision is realized. After that seeing how others use your prints is fantastic. It is the collaborative nature if fabric that I love. Everyone has their own creative interpretation when they create with textiles.

Q: From what aspect of your life do you draw creativity?
A: Depends on what my current lifestyle is at the moment. I draw from my own experiences like travel and family. These experiences often influence what i am working on.

Q: What is your design process?
A: I usually find a visual source in old textiles, architectural details or other sources. I then pick a color story. From there I work on the computer. Much easier with technology today. Faster and more accurate than my early days.

Q: What is your favorite print in the collection?
A: I love roses and I love pink so I would have to say Bouquet Creme. I have embraced the more bright hues lately in my designs but I still like the sweetness of a soft rose.

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring artists and designers?
A: Don't get too saturated by looking at what others are doing. Stay your or own creative course. Create from the heart and others will acknowledge your talents.


  1. GORGEOUS fabric line!!! So shabby chic & feminine!! Interesting post! :)

  2. Absolutly beautiful....wishing I didn't live in a house full of boys!

  3. Beautiful. Oh that I had a room decorated with such elegant lady like fabric. I would hide away as often as I could.

  4. Loved this interview! I really like her fabrics--the graphics and understated colors really appeal to me. Thanks for sharing it!

  5. so pretty. I just love that shower curtain.

  6. Beautiful line-Love the shower curtain. Thanks for sharing your beautiful, summery fabrics :)


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