Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Designer Tidbits: Eric & Julie Comstock

The Comstocks have a flair for fresh, retro fabrics! Have a look at their latest collection for Moda Fabrics, Baby Jane! The retro colors and fun prints will put a smile on your face!

Q: Where did you find your original inspiration for Baby Jane?
A: Eric is the type that is constantly drawing on any scrap of paper in front of him. One afternoon I came in to find some flowers doodled in my child's report card. Of course, I scanned them and started creating patterns. (I hope Mrs. Jorgensen liked them as much as I did.)

Q: What was your “aha” moment in designing this collection?
A: After Eric saw me using his stuff, he said, "Hey, I drew this the other day too." Then he emailed me the large flower motif and that is when I knew two things: 1. Where the line was going and 2. That Eric sometimes holds out on me, keeping the good stuff for himself!

Q: What TV show or movie does your collection fit best in?
A: The one starring me, but that hasn't happened yet so..... How about Leave it to Beaver. The line does remind me of all things femininely domestic and vintage-ly charming.

Q: Tell me about your sewing machine(s). What kinds do you have and how many?
A: I use a Bernina 730. My mom picked it up at a yard sale for $20 shortly after I married Eric. I was very lonely at that stage of my life because Eric worked nights and as a married 19 year old, all my friends were single. So, my Bernina and I became friends. My mom has continued her tradition with a tag sale Berninas for my daughters. I also own a Bernette serger, but I bought that one new with money I made sewing and selling Christmas tree skirts after my first baby was born.

Q: What is your favorite part of the fabric industry?
A: The people hands down! I have met the nicest people I know in the fabric industry. I can't even describe how I admire them and how glad I am to have the privilege of working with them.

Q: From what aspect of your life do you draw creativity?
A: Creativity seems to be something that I was blessed with naturally and in abundance. I'm pretty sure it's to make up for my many other shortcomings like lack of coordination, social skills and ability to spell the English language.

Q: What is your design process?
A: Eric draws and paints and then takes it to the computer. I work in Illustrator and then if I really love something I've drawn, I might re-create it in paint, collage or fabric.

Q: What is your favorite print in the collection?
A: The large multi-colored flower motif. I'm planning on a vintage dress for myself in that.

Q: What is the most challenging part of the design process?
A: The hardest part is getting my way when Eric and I disagree! I've found that sometimes I can distract him with food.

Q: What are your favorite and least favorite colors and why?
A: My favorite color is aqua. Maybe it's because of Tiffany boxes, robin's eggs, swimming pools, or the turquoise rings my dad makes for me? I'm not sure, but I am consistent. It's been my favorite color since childhood.


  1. Great interview!
    I love Baby Jane!!

  2. I love every line these folks do! Keep up the great work, guys!

  3. I LOVE that you were married so young, and are happy!!!!

  4. I always love their designs, but this is my new favorite!

  5. I so love these fabrics. The colors are just wonderful.

  6. I love this line and will be ordering as soon as the squared elements are in stock. I just love the aqua with red and yellow!

  7. Thank you for your consistent Santa collection theme each year! Very pretty! alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com


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