Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fun Facts About Kimberly!

Hi everyone! It's Kimberly again! One of my resolutions is to share more about me here on the Jolly Jabber! So, I thought it would be fun to start off with a few fun facts you may not know about me. Get ready, some of these things might blow your mind a little! 

  1. I have four little redheads (Christopher, Will, Peyton & Emma). I have yet to get a picture of them all looking at the camera.

  2. I'm an indoors kinda gal. I developed my love of crafting by staying inside during the long, hot summers. Pictured below: My Juki, my constant indoors companion. 

  3. My all-time favorite fabric collection is Buttercream and Figs by Fig Tree Quilts, circa 2005!

  4. I'm a CPA and started my career at one of the Big 6 accounting firms, where I met my husband, Kevin. Although I love numbers, I love fabric way more. True to my CPA roots, I rock this awesome trusty calculator and am a super whiz at Microsoft Excel!

  5. I have a fascination with criminal research. If I got the chance to shadow a criminal investigative PI, I'd do it in a heartbeat. If you're one and need a partner, call me.

  6. I have worn the same nail polish color, OPI Cajun Shrimp, since 1992. It’s the 90’s trend that has stuck with me! It's also what inspired my Nail Polish Quilt

  7. My brother and husband have the same name - Kevin. At family events, everyone's always asking, "Which Kevin are you talking about?"

  8. I love Chick-fil-A! I eat it at least two times a week and never change my order. 

  9. When I was young, my grandmother lived a mile away from St. Edward's University in Austin, TX. Whenever I was being especially naughty, she would walk me to "Dracula's castle" (aka St. Edward's University). My grandmother is now 89 and she's the most awesome, funny, and intelligent lady I know!

  10. I love 80s rap music. There is and will never be a better band than the Beastie Boys. Before I film my YouTube videos, I listen to the License to Ill album really loudly to pump myself up. 

  11. My favorite city is Las Vegas, Nevada! I love to play blackjack and Pai Gow Poker.

  12. My all-time favorite TV show is Ducky Dynasty. I recently went on the Duck Commander cruise and had the time of my life. I actually judged an apron competition with Willie and Miss Kay, and Willie asked me if my microphone wasn't working and I said I wasn't talking because I was too scared. That is just about the dumbest thing I have ever said in my entire life. I am not sure if I will ever forgive myself. 

  13. I learned to crochet when I was five. I spent an entire summer chain stitching yarn. I would stitch the entire skein, then pull out the stitches and restitch it all over again! 

  14. I loved my father more than anything, and he died when I was pregnant with Emma. He was my biggest supporter, and Fat Quarter Shop would not exist if he and my mom had not cheered me on and believed in me. I inherited his stubbornness and business mind and remember everything he taught me. To a relative who kept trying to give me advice, my mother said, "I'm not sure why you keep trying; the only person she ever listened to was her father, so you might want to stop." It's mostly true!

So tell me some fun and interesting things about you in the comments! I know I'm not the only one that loves the Beastie Boys and has an obsession with numbers!


  1. I love that you are a CPA!!! I was an accountant too ;) I tell you, it must be all of the quilt math that turns accountants into quilters ;)

  2. What a beautiful family! Did you know that genetically, that sweet red hair is disappearing from our planet, and you have four. They are very special! The Duck Dynasty kind of blew me away, but I love the OPI color! Thanks for all your hard work!

  3. We love Chic-fil-A also. The closest is one hour round trip so we purchase 30 sandwiches at a time. We flash freeze and vacuum seal. They are ready and waiting when we want them. yum

  4. I'm an accountant too. I would love to do fraud investigation. (You can follow the PI, I'll do the forensic audit.) I keep my day job to pay for my quilting/sewing/knitting habit. The numbers pay the bills. Thanks for posting those fun facts about you. Enjoyed it, especially those adorable kids!

  5. I am a redhead too!! :-)
    I "retired" from teaching and decided I needed a hobby. I had never sewn anything before and decided to take a quilting class at the LQS. That was in September of 2011. Now I teach classes at that same LQS! I am addicted, to say the least!

  6. Does Kevin still practice as a CPA? My husband is a tax attorney and he teaches CPA's in Seminars around the country. He practices in the State and Local Tax area. If they ever meet, Kevin should NOT tell him I am a devoted customer, although I suspect my husband would know it. He'll say, "the postman just dropped off another package from that Fat Quarter Shop." Ha!!

  7. Thank you for sharing these things about yourself. Love your children - I too have 4 and 1 grandchild now. I used to hate math, but it was the only mark my dad looked at on my report card - if someone would have told me that I would work in a bank someday, I would have said "Never!", but 35 years later......Now I'd rather count how many squares and rectangles I need for the next block.

  8. I just loved this post. Thank you for telling us about your! I am a tenacious gal and also a bit compulsive about neatness & organization. I grew up fanatical about classical ballet,took lessons and participated for a short time in professional dance. Then married and started a family and became devoted to that. I also love my faith,family,all fabric,piecing,learning new tricks,sparkly anything & FQS. Bobbie

  9. Loved reading about this!!! I TOTALLY love the Beastie Boys-NEVER go out of style. I'm also with you on criminal investigations! Have you watched Scott & Bailey? It's awesome-two ladies and they are smart and witty. Love all your tutorials and I've always wondered about your nail polish! It's always flawless!

  10. This was fabulous! I feel like I know you a lot better now. I also eat at chick-fil-a every week. I think I should own stock I eat there so much!

  11. What a great post! Two things that we have in common are: I have three boys and a girl. Her name is also Emma, but she is my youngest. Second is that I love my Dad more than anything. I am so blessed to have him in my life.
    By the way, you haven't changed a bit since your wedding day! Have a great day.

  12. My stepdaughter has reddish hair, and I have requested red-headed grand kids. :) It is the best colour! My hair is boring brown.

  13. Wow, so many things jump out that we have in common: I love Homicide Hunter! I love Chick-Fil-A once a week! I was born in Austin, and still live here in Texas, and had an amazing Grandmother. I love Vegas (sister lived there), I learned to crochet from my Mema at age 8; and I adored my Daddy who died the day I brought my 3rd child home from the hospital.
    Love your blog, your videos, and all that you bring to us. Thanks for being such a wonderful cyber-friend :)

  14. Omg! I live in BR Louisiana so I love Duck Commander too!! I also love crime shows. I keep my TV on the ID channel while I sew. I thought I was the only person that did that. My husband says I scare him sometimes with the shows I watch while calmly sewing along. Like "Wives with Knives" lol! I tell him as long as I get to keep buying fabric he doesn't have to worry! HA!

  15. I have one red-headed daughter!One out of three isnt bad.
    Liz in Mi

  16. I'm an 80's girl myself but not so much the Beastie Boys. What I really want to know is whether or not Jace Robertson is as hot in person as he is on TV???? Loved reading this, thank you for sharing!

  17. Fun factoids about u, your family & your creativity, Kimberly. Your carrot tops r gorgeous! I live in Las Vegas, NV (3-1/2 YR Hawaii transplant) & would love to play blackjack w/u next time u visit! :-) Even better tho, would love u to teach some classes @ local quilt shop next time ur in town!

  18. so the beatie boys thing is a shocker for me! I remember my friend and I trying to memorize all of the licensed to Ill album. My kids think I'm crazy when I crank no sleep til Brooklyn in the car! Loved hearing about your dad too! Thanks for sharing!

  19. I LOVE the Beastie Boys. Brass Monkey was my anthem for the longest time.

    Your kids are adorable.

  20. Your children are beautiful!!! Such sweet little babies! Love that your doing this and we're all getting to know you better. I have to say that your last video, Q&A with Kimberly was one of the best ones that you did thus far. From a video perspective your personality really was shinning through, very relaxed and more you. Good Girl! Way to go!

  21. Love the pictures and I am married to a CPA who has his own practice and teaches at seminars. He just finished with a Sept. 15th deadline and now on to the pesky Oct 15th tax deadline. We have one daughter who is a jr. at Tulane but is studying in Australia this semester. I began quilting because of fabric, which I think is an unrecognized and under appreciated art form. And I have to admit, I am not, in the least suffering from empty nest syndrome because I now have all this delicious time to quilt; even with my husband not being home because of some tax deadline does not mar my quilting process. I do miss my one and only but she calls home regularly for money LOL and I am in the process of making graduation quilts for her friends as gifts. I have 6 more to go. LOL

  22. I'm an accountant, too! but semi-retired! I only work during tax season now at the same CPA firm I worked at all those years past. Can't say I'm a fan of the Beastie boys or any other rap group!

  23. Hi Kimberly! Nice to meet you.Thanks for sharing. It was fun reading your fun facts. Here are some facts about me, I was a teen mom and now at 42 my 3 kids are over 18 and I have 2 grandkids w/another on the way. A few years ago I trained w/a sheriff's academy to be a deputy, but no longer work in law enforcement. I've tried to get on the The Amazing Race a few times. I was pursued by Survivor though ended up not being a finalist. I'm a big fan of heist movies and vanilla ice cream...AND I'm a quilting maniac!

  24. i am also a CPA i work for the U.S.Government in Grand Rapids Michigan i was an Army widow and raised 7 kids i am now remarried. at age 62yrs i also have a paralegal degree i knit, crochet, custom machine embroidery and now back into quilting i make quilts for cancer children for the local clinic for newborn babies at hospital along with quilts for preemies also pillows for the surgical ward at hospital i am 75 and so i have aa lot of time to keep myself busy my father told us thaat "idle hands are looking for trouble" those words stuck with me all these years i am going to get back into making quilts at our church next month so i am a busy old lady

  25. I also learn to crochet at 5. It is the only thing I can do with my right hand.

  26. I loved reading this post! So fun! I saw the beastie boys live and it was amazing!

  27. I'm terrible at math, but do like 80's music, Chick-Fil-A, murder mysteries, and crochet, although mine is pretty basic. I wish the Buttercream & Figs fabric was still available, it would be perfect for a table topper I need to make. Your children are lovely. I'm a redhead also. Thanks for sharing more about yourself. I have enjoyed your tutorials. You have helped me become a better quilter. Thanks!

  28. Hi Kimberly.
    This post was so much fun to read! It is so fun getting to know you better.

  29. Enjoyed learning about you, Kimberly! I am married to a CPA and our son is a CPA. Our son is also dating a young lady who is a CPA. Our son introduced us to Duck Dynasty. I will have to show him your picture with the crew. :-) My grandmother taught me to sew, literally, at her knee. I was her "hemmer". Now I enjoy binding my quilts by hand---and it reminds me of my days learning to "hem" and loving it. I appreciate your u tube instructional videos and your store. Keep up all the excellent work. Your children are cuties!!!

  30. I loved hearing all about you Kimberly! Makes you so real to me, especially since I love your store, I continue to buy from you because you are the best ..... and seeing your beautiful children, your husband, brother and beloved Dad is a real blessing. Thank you dear. x

  31. What an amazing post!! Your children are adorable! My hubby has red hair, but none of my children inherited it :-( I too LOVE Chick-fil-A and make weekly deposits into their checking accounts ;-) My favorite is their milk Shakes........ thick with NO whip. Thanks for sharing your Fun Facts.

  32. I am secretly (well not now!) very jealous of you for coming up with the idea and following through with Fat Quarter Shop. What a stroke of genius. Wish I'd thought of that! Someday I'd like to own a brick-and-mortar quilt shop, or at least my own long arm machine!

  33. Hi Kimberley. I really enjoyed reading you post and getting to know a bit about you. Your little redheads are gorgeous. Are the boys triplets?

  34. Thanks for sharing! Lots of fun! Enjoyed reading all of it. I love numbers too! Always have. Worked in banking for years. I frequently catch myself counting things...shirts going from washer to dryer, dishes going into the cupboard and wonderful stacks of fabric!!! I love that you always wear the same polish! I like to experiment but always come back to my favorites. Keep up the great work. Love your shop, blog, tutorials, FB etc. Always look for your market posts!

  35. Love hearing about you! When I first met my husband, I worked in his garage with him, I changed tires, pulled car motors and transmissions with the best of them. After leaving it took me years to get the grease and grime off my hands (family joke), it really didn't. I was such a tomboy. After that I worked 911 for 9 years.

  36. Hi Kimberly
    Thank you for sharing all about you! Although I've always enjoyed your online quilt shop & think it's the best knowing about you and viewing your pictures certainly makes your online store "real." Your interesting & fun reveals add the warmth & feeling of shopping at a brick and morter!
    Penny in So CA

  37. Sew fun to hear about you! I'm also an accountant, but my passion is quilting. My son is a beautiful redhead like your children... Vegas, mmmm, been there every year for the past 5 years, can't get enough! Thanks for sharing, love your store :)

  38. Hey Kimberly - did you know Sadie Robertson is on Dancing with the Stars? She did a great job last night. You need to DVR Monday night to see how far she gets. She made Willie cry - it was great!

  39. Thanks for sharing with us Kimberly :)
    Your children are lovely.

    Some random fact about me is I had three kids within 3 1/2 years, I learned how to crochet in 2010 off of You Tube, and I just learned how to quilt in January of this year 2014 because one of my friends wanted me to make her and her dad t-shirt quilts out of their old running t-shirts.

  40. Awesome post! I was a speech pathologist for many years, now retired. Did you know that you can get a master's degree in speech path without taking ANY math (except statistics, which, oddly, I liked!)? I'm a widow of three years, still trying to figure out life and I have a Gammill in my basement which I'm still afraid of! Your read heads are beautiful! The boys look like triplets, are they? Thanks for sharing!

  41. You are truly blessed, thanks for sharing those wonderful facts with us! I love your shop, you are so cutting edge, very wise in marketing and I always buy something when I go on your website! I love seeing the kits, projects, new items, it is irressitable!!!

  42. My husband and brother both have the same name too, they are both Brads. Well actually they are both Bradley, but they both hate the full version and if you call either of them Bradley you get "the look" and trust me, you don't want to get "the look" LOL!

  43. My favorite music is from Norah Jones. I've probably watched the movie 13 Going On 30 with Jennifer Gardner about 20 times. My favorite snack is Red Vines and Diet Coke. I was born on my brothers 14th birthday. I've lived in AZ for 33 years and have been with current job for 31 years. I love to sew and quilt more than anything. My favorite place to shop is Fat Quarter Shop, and that's the truth. I love my Apple iPad Mini. Oh, and I love the rain.

  44. A beautiful family. Are the boys triplets or just close in age? Red heads are rare, but you got four! Lucky you. Nice knowing more about you.

  45. One of my jobs in college was working for a start up online quilt fabric shop. Working there provided some great memories and I still talk about things I learned from my very smart boss. Oh and I still can't sew very well. Haha ☺

  46. Kimberly, how nice of you to share more about yourself,very interesting! Next chat, would you tell us your favorite project you ever made? You are a real fun loving gal! Love your shop.

  47. Kimberly, thanks for sharing. I was lucky enough to have red headed twins, a boy and a girl. They grew up way to fast. I love seeing the picture of your little ones. I have worked in accounting and finance for many years and now have added Human Resources to my job responsibilities. My quilting addiction is relatively new. I am doing the Wishes Quilt Along this year and enjoying it very much. All the best in growing your store

  48. I share #14 with you. I was pregnant when my Dad passed away, and he was my greatest support. Wish I shared #1 with you...I've always wanted red heads!

  49. Such a fun post! I am floored that you could possibly choose ONE all-time favorite fabric collection, with the multitudes of marvelous choices that flow through your life!! :) Everyone in my family has blue eyes and blond-ish hair. But of me and my 4 sisters, I am the only blonde, along with one redhead, and 3 brunettes of varying shades! I don't have tv or a smartphone, but I love our computer and iPad:) We still read stories/books aloud, especially while traveling, even though our boys are in their teens! We love it! Thanks for all the fun facts:)

  50. I was a math AND an education major with minor in computer and Latin. I finished college in 3.5 years. Yes, I was an overachiever. I hated geometry. I loved making designs with the protractor, ruler. etc. I just hated the proofs. My mother was a math teacher and many years later told me my geometry teacher was not a good geometry teacher. My daughter is a high school math teacher. MY husband died last year and he loved to watch me quilt and it has been difficult to get back into quilting since he died. It's not the same without his involvement in the process. A part of me is gone that I can't seem to find. I'm trying to find a new purpose for quilting. I was a daddy's girl. I miss him, too. It's been many years. He had Parkinson's disease for 20 years. That was an ugly, ugly disease. Thanks for sharing about yourself. Oh, yeah, I'm fascinated about about crime, too. I am a breast cancer survivor and I was diagnosed with fibromylgia six weeks after breast cancer in 2003. I'll be having a second lumpectomy in October of this year. My faith in Jesus is what keeps me as whole as I am. I have three grandsons (2 - 8 year olds, 1 3 year old) and 1 - 1 year old granddaughter. I have a 13 year old step granddaughter, too. So, I have many quilts to make plus charity quilts.

  51. Thank you for sharing. A connection is made to those we follow up on. Hmmm, I wonder if there is a connection with quilters who also enjoy 80's rap,detective shows, crocheting...? Also from Texas.

  52. Beautiful children, we have 4 also. We have a daughter on the Florida Highway Patrol who is going into the FBI. OPI is about the only nail polish I will wear. We have 4 Chris' in our family; I know about the confusion:/ Chick-fil-A is our fast food stop,and favorite tv show "Duck Dynasty" (a little jealous you went on the cruise)!

  53. I like the things you chose to share about yourself. I love to run and I love to quilt. These two things keep me sane, fit and broke! I am also a big fan of Eminem. Not sure what he would think about some middle aged woman listening while she quilts.....

  54. What a wonderful post. It was so much fun getting to know you better. Your kiddo's are gorgeous with that red hair. You are so blessed.

  55. well this is probably one of my FAVORITE posts from the Jabber! I love that you are sharing more of you ;-) Your kids are so cute and you were a beautiful bride, that comment from your mom was hilarious!

    fun fact about me--I just busted out my Juki 2010Q just 2 nights ago although I have had it for a few months now (and LOVE IT no surprise there)! I am also a homebody, I LOVE staying home on the weekend to sew, watch movies, knit, bake, cook!

  56. Although not a CPA I am an accountant too. And I love numbers, since I was young. When I was young and I was nervous, say at the doctor's office, I would count the floor or ceiling or both tiles. It would help keep me calm. I love love love Excel. I use it for everything!!!

  57. Thanks for sharing! I love knowing about the person I order from so often.

    I have one red headed daughter that's 21 (this coming weekend) who is a junior at St. Ed's. She loves "Dracula's castle" aka the main building, the architecture is amazing. I hope to incorporate at least one of the windows into a quilt design. I quilt and crochet because they keep me sane.

  58. you just never know where you're going to meet a fellow beastie boys fan - gotta fight for your right!! fabulous post Kimberley :)

  59. I am an indoor gal too-my husband knew that he would do everything outside the house while the inside is mine!

  60. Well, the only things we seem to have in common are we both like fabric, as a teen I was more of an indoor person--I would rather stay inside and read, and my Dad was my biggest supporter as well. He made me an orphan over 15 years ago.

  61. Hi Kim, I enjoyed reading all about you. You sound like a very fun person.My name is Carol Steffensen, and I am a quilting and stitchery pattern designer, and I love fabric just like you do. I am sure you recognize my name, as I have literally bought fabric from you almost weekly!In fact when my husband gets the mail he says,
    " There is nothing from the Fat Quarter Shop today!" Thanks again for sharing!

  62. Love your tutorials and learning about you. I have always loved math and have a math degree. Being retired from teaching now, I have more time to quilt and really enjoy the math part of it.

  63. Okay--Beasty Boys--not so much! But I am a huge Joe Kenda fan--I'm addicted to the ID channel and have it on all day while I'm sewing! My, my my....

  64. How interesting. I think DD must be a show for the south. No one even knows anyone who watches it up north. What a fun mix between reason/math and, well, something a bit south of whimsy. It is wonderful to hear about a great relationship with Dad,I'm sorry for your loss.

  65. I loved reading your post! I have always had a thing for redheads. They are just awesome. And redheaded children are the best. Lucky you.

    Definitely not a CPA, but do have an appreciation for Excel. I'm not a big one for a manicure, but I always go to Cajun Shrimp when I do. It's the perfect summer color.

    I live in West Monroe and am always asked if I 'know' the Robertsons! My daughter has met and worked a summer camp with Jase's family though. My SIL used to play poker with the brothers.

    That's a sweet story about your dad. I lost my dad when I was pregnant with my first.

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  66. Thanks for the post. It was fun to find out more and see photos! ARe those 3 boys triplets?? They all look to be just about the same size. What a pretty family!

  67. It is nice to get to "know you".this was a fun post

  68. You are one busy girl! Thanks for sharing! You have a beautiful family. I am a mom too! When do you find time to sew. Looking forward to your next post.

  69. Kimberly, you are so interesting! I too think you have an awesome family. I have Buttercup in charm packs!! I am a retired LVN (LPN) and worked in many places. I have three children and four wonderful grandchildren. Thank you for your story!!

  70. Do you KNOW how many fun colors that OPI has?? You have such pretty nails - try some new colors!! Match the fabrics you are using in a demo - come on, you can do it. :D
    Fun to learn some random facts about you!

  71. It's really nice that you've shared yourself with us. It's more fun to know the people you interact with. It's a good reminder, also, that we're all just 'regular' people trying our best. Thanks for sharing and making yourself 'real' for us!

  72. OMG! Kimberly, you are too funny! We have a few things in common. I love my Juki 2010 Q. We love cruising, but Duck Dynasty ?? Not so much. We love Las Vegas, and we go there at least twice a year. I play slots and video poker. I'm always getting pedicures with just plain OPI red, and I made the little polish bottle quilt. Love the pattern. Sew fun! I have a very unusual job. I am a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Ostomy and Wound care.

  73. Wow, we have three things in common! I love Buttercream & Figs fabrics, I actually still have a few fat quarters!
    I just purchased a new Juki machine like yours after seeing you use it on your videos ( Thanks for your e-mail recommendation), and I still use this color polish on my toes!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing!!!

  74. Thanks for sharing Kimberly. While I have my undergraduate degree in Accounting and I'm good with numbers I will confess I'm so distracted with fabric I'm glad my DH pays the bills or all my utilities would be shutdown. I'm great with a credit card and PayPal, but glad my DH writes the checks to ensure the numbers are balanced every month. LOL!

    Love your four gorgeous red heads too!


  75. Thanks for sharing Kimberly. Now I live you even more!

  76. I loved reading all the facts about you. I want to know where the red-heads came from!! And I love the detective shows too, especially Joe Kenda. And I love quilting too: we could be twins!! Ha!Ha!!! :-)

  77. What fun - I have red heads too!

  78. What a crack up! Loved every word and your family is gorgeous!!

    Duck Dynasty cruise? Who knew there even WAS one?!

  79. I'm envious that you went on the Duck Dynasty cruise. Dear hubby and I grew up in Louisiana. It's like being home:)

  80. Thanks for sharing about you! Meant to send this back when you posted - sorry! Such a cute family! Are the boys triplets? Love Fat Quarter Shop!


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