Saturday, September 27, 2014

National Sewing and Quilting Month Week Four Recap

Welcome back to another National Sewing & Quilting Month weekly recap! We can't believe we're almost the end of the blog hop, and we're so thankful to have all of these amazing bloggers join in on the fun. 

 photo FamilyEverAfterBlogHeader_zps92f3905e.jpg
First, we have Rach of Family Ever After joining us with her Reverse Applique Deer Mnin Quilt creation. WOW! Just look at how gorgeous this looks! 

Question: What advice would you give to someone who's just starting out in sewing/quilting?
Rach: These days, I truly believe that anyone can learn to sew. Start with an inexpensive machine and online tutorials; the possibilities are endless! I have continued to learn so much beyond what i learned in my college classes. What I love about sewing is that you can create something that will last forever. Sewn gifts are my favorite. If you have the desire, you can do it! I'm so excited about the sewing and quilting revival that has taken place in the last 10 years. Being part of the online sewing community is one of my favorite parts. Don't be afraid to dive right in! There's room for everyone! 

Next up is Amy of During Quiet Time. For her #fqschallenge, she decided to make herself a Tova blouse by Wiksten using double gauze fabric. She immediately fell in love with this fabric, and we did too! She looks so cute in this blouse!

Tova by Amy Friend

Question: How did you start quilting/sewing?
Amy: My mom taught me to sew when I was a little girl. The first project that I can remember was a hand stitched felt Pooh bear made when I was about five. I went on to learn to sew simple garments and made lots of baby clothes and simple skirts. When I was married, my mom and I collaborated on my wedding dress. I always thought that quilting sounded appealing and as a Little House on the Prairie fan, loved the romantic notion of sitting by the fire sewing nine patches. But it wasn't until I was at home with my children, after leaving my museum work, that I started reading blogs and getting into modern quilting. I have been quilting for about 5 - 6 years. 

Sew Sweetness - Sara Lawson

Sara of Sew Sweetness is an amazing bag designer and a new fabric designer for Art Gallery Fabrics! Head on over to her blog to read more on her sewing and quilting journey!  

Question: When was the first time you knew that you were a quilter/sewer?
Sara: I'm not sure if there was a definitive moment. It sort of sneaked up on me, and one day I woke up and I was designing bag patterns. Or at least that's how I remembered it in my head. But joking aside, I put a lot of hard work and spent every day learning new things, improving on my sewing, and I think just being a contributing member to a sewing community that is mostly online. It's great sharing in others' successes and telling them what a wonderful job that they did. 

Sew at Home Mummy

Erin of Sew at Home Mummy sewed up our Color My Heart block pattern with these adorable fabrics from her stash for her child's nursery! How cute is this?

Question: Do you have sewing/quilting horror stories or faux pas?
Erin: I tried to quilt a queen top once without a walking foot. It didn't go well. There was a lot of stitch-ripping. And then a lot of hand-tying - 'cause I didn't know any better! 

Haberdashery Fun

We're huge fans of Marni of Habedashery Fun's quirky projects. This time, she decided to tackle creating half square triangles and turning these blocks into a pillow!
Love her color combination? They are inspired by her sneakers! 

Question: When was the first time you knew you were a sewer?
Marni: It took me a long time to feel like I knew what I was doing. I'm a recovering PERFECTIONIST. I started to feel like I was a real sewer a few years ago. This was when I lived in New York City and was working in the fashion industry. I was teaching a friend to alter a pattern and sew a skirt and realized.. Holy crap, I know what I am talking about! 

Want it, Need it, Quilt!
We adore Jane of Quilt Jane's beautiful quilty creations. For her #fqschallenge, she recently created the Social Tote (a Carolyn Friedlander pattern) to store all of her sewing goodies!

Question: What advice would you give to someone who's just starting out in sewing/quilting? 

Jane: Slow down. Think about the real reason you are making that quilt. Make it with love and give it to someone as an act of love. Never stop learning from people, internet, or books about the craft. 

If you don't know Katy Jones, she's the girl behind the I'm A Ginger Monkey blog, editor of Quilt Now Magazine, and one of our favorite modern quilters. She is launching her first ever fabric collection with Art Gallery Fabrics called Priory Square in October 2014. Here is a sneak peek on a quilt that she's working on. 

Question: How did you start quilting/sewing? 
Katy: I did my first sewing as a child, with my grandmother, making soft toys and clothes for my dolls. I wasn't great at it, but it was time spent with my most favorite person and any time spent with her was precious. She was always so patient (way more so than me) and I think she instilled that love for handmade that I have now.  

Alyce of Blossom Heart Quilts "blossomed" from her usual swirly loops or "square stippling," to NEW free motion quilting designs. She used her FMQ foot to stitch in the ditch around the outer star of her block, and it turned into a beautiful motif, 

Kokka Irome Aurora star quilt block pillow

Question: Do you have any sewing/quilting horror stories or faux pas?
Alyce: For the first twelve months of our time in Japan, I didn't have an iron! And yet my projects still manage to work out ok. I did use a Clover finger presser for individual, small seams though, especially for paper piecing, so that definitely helped. Otherwise I relied on gravity by holding up blocks and quilt tops to get rid of major wrinkles. And then there's the time I attempted my first garment - Wiksten tank - and forgot to pre-wash the fabric.. the good news that it still fits, and if I ever loose a few kilos, I've already got a top that will fit perfectly. 

Kelli of Seriously I Think It Needs Stitches blew us away with her Drunken Chevron Quilt as her #fqschallenge. Did we mention that this quilt has no curved seams? Head on over to her blog for the complete tutorial. 

Question: What advice do you have for someone who is just starting out sewing/quilting?
Kelli: Make what you love and never give up!

Don't forget to share with us your #fqschallenge on FacebookGoogle + and InstagramTune in Tuesday, September 30th for our last recap of the month. Thank you so much for joining us!  

1 comment:

  1. That's really cool! I always love to visit your blog for interesting posts. I love that concept "I love sewing because one can never have too many bags". Really very interesting month of quilting.


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