Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 Quilting & Sewing New Year's Resolution

Welcome back to the Jolly Jabber! The new year brings new aspirations and projects that we can't wait to start, so have you started your quilting and sewing resolutions for 2015? Here are some of our Quilting & Sewing New Year's resolutions courtesy of the Fat Quarter Shop staff! 

Let us know what your quilting and sewing New Year's resolution is in the comments section! Thank you so much everyone and Happy New Year! 


  1. Love those resolutions. I always start the year with a list of projects sorted by which ones need quilting, finish piecing, are cut and ready, and ones I want to make. This year I also made a monthly schedule of what I'd like to get done each month up through June- really focusing on completing UFO's Hoping this will focus my fun! I go on a quilting retreat in August and like to have some new projects to work on- that's my motivation!

  2. Great resolutions. Many of them are on my list of new habits to start this year though I will not give up my quilt envy; it's what helps motivate me to push myself to be better. My projects & quilts aren't perfect but chances are the ones I covet the most aren't either. You can love what you make and want to improve at the same time :)

  3. I love yours, I just have to add to find a way to support my hobby by selling a few handmade items.

  4. I am thrilled to say that I have three UFOs. One since the summer and I worked on over the holidays. I need to finish piecing the back and then quilt and bind it. The other two are ready to be quilted. Whoohoo! Last year I made my first bag so that's off my mention "to do" list. This year??? I'm not sure!

  5. Can you please use a darker color for your posts? I couldn't even read the resolutions. The pastel colors are great, but hard to read.

  6. @Sally Hurst Thank you for your suggestion! We are currently loving the soft colors of spring! We will take this into consideration when making our next posts.

  7. Love your list ... mine is similar :) finish older quilt
    projects and begin anew few :)
    Thanks ... love your shop,blog,
    ideas,patterns,fabric,sew alongs,
    designers, just everything! ...

  8. My goal is to finish one UFO each month... and start as many new projects as I feel like :)

  9. My goal is to stop planning my next project brfore finishing the way I am working on.

  10. I need to finish what I start. I have a good number of unfinished quilts. Everytime I see new collection or pattern that I get excited about, I stop what I'M working on and start a new project. I need to be more disciplined, but it's hard when you see so many pretties.

  11. My goal for this year is to make and give 12 quilts to Child
    Protective Services...They'll be given through my local quilt guild... We did pillowcases this year with a few of our group making quilts...I loved the idea and want to continue the effort!


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